You can find detailed information and rehearsal possibilities directly on Moodle-Exam. Below you can find a collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Additional FAQs are only available in German. General information about the Learning Management System Moodle is available in English on Moodle Docs.

How do I find my exam course?

You are alread enrolled in your exam course.

Instructions on how to find your exam course starting on the Moodle Dashboard

Navigate to your exam course:

1. click on the approrpriate tile in the Course overview at the bottom of the Dashboard
2. search for your course on Home under Course categories

Instructions on how to find your exam course starting on the Moodle homepage (Home)

Navigate to your exam course:

1. click on My courses at the bottom of Home
2. search for your course Course categories at the bottom of Home

In case of issues:
Contact the person or office responsible for your exam or submission.

Where do I find information about Moodle-Exam and can practice the use of the site?

Information and  rehearsal possibilities are provided in German and English direclty on Moodle-Exam. See the pages Informationen und Probekurs für Studierende - Prüfungsverfahren (if your are scheduled to take an examination procedure with test/assessment) and Informationen und Probekurs für Studierende - Einreichungen (if you are scheduled to submit coursework, project work or term papers).

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